Pintura hiperrealista de Jackson Thilenius.
“A trav茅s de la expresi贸n art铆stica, crear im谩genes
conscientes/provocadoras acerca de la crueldad hacia los animales como
un catalizador para los cambios radicales y positivos dentro de
cualquier industria dependiente de la tortura f铆sica, mental o emocional
de los animales. La conciencia social de las atrocidades hacia los animales es el objetivo
inmediato de esta exposici贸n con la intenci贸n de promover estilos de
vida que no dependen de la explotaci贸n inhumana de animales inocentes.”Jackson Thilenius.
"Through artistic expression, create thought-provoking images of animal cruelty as a catalyst for radical, positive changes within any industry reliant on the physical, mental or emotional torture of animals. Social awareness of animal atrocities is the immediate goal of this exposure with the intent of promoting lifestyles that are not dependent on the inhumane exploitation of innocent animals."
"Through artistic expression, create thought-provoking images of animal cruelty as a catalyst for radical, positive changes within any industry reliant on the physical, mental or emotional torture of animals. Social awareness of animal atrocities is the immediate goal of this exposure with the intent of promoting lifestyles that are not dependent on the inhumane exploitation of innocent animals."